How to Process Order?
To process your order, go to seller center > manage orders > then you can proceed to print the Airway Bill, press ready to ship if the order is ready to be sent to 3PL. If the order cannot be fulfilled, please cancel the order before pressing ready to ship.
The search function also allows you to group the orders by various categories such as 3PL, and so on
For more information, please visit operation manual.
Can I process orders in Item Level?
Please be advised, order has to be processed in Order Level. One tracking number per order number
For bulky items, Seller is allowed to process the order at an item level. The dropshipping item delivery fee will be based on the count of tracking numbers.
How much time do I have to process my parcel?
You must process all pending orders based on the agreed Seller Handling Time from Zalora's Commercial Terms. Standard is 24 hours (Pending to Ready to Ship) and this does not include weekends and holidays.
I received notification of a new order, but I can't see any pending order in my Pending queue?
Your order is most probably cancelled as requested by the customer. You can check it under the Cancelled queue.
I receive duplicate order
If you realize more than one order coming from the same person with the exact same item. Most probably, it's a duplicate order.
If you have already printed awb: Please send the cancellation request via Seller Helpdesk Form at "Operations: Order Processing - Cancellations". SHD will check with customer if it's a duplicate order
I can't push the order to ready to ship due to system error
Please hold the order. Please send your enquiry to Seller Helpdesk Form at "Operations: Order Processing - Status". Kindly attach a screenshot of the error message you received (if any) for faster escalation process
I can't print Air WayBill / Invoice
Please hold the order. Please send your enquiry to Seller Helpdesk Form at "Operations: Others". Kindly attach a screenshot of the error message you received (if any) for faster escalation process
I can't login to process my order.
Please send your enquiry to Seller Helpdesk Form
Can I contact customers personally?
Sellers are not allowed to contact customers. If you have customer related inquiries please use the "Seller Helpdesk Form" form in the Seller Center. Choose Operations > Seller Inquiry > Order Verification.
Any direct contact between Seller and Customer is a serious breach of the Agreement between ZALORA and seller. Therefore, subject to penalty actions.
I am selling beauty products, how should I pack my item?
Items should be wrapped properly and follow ZALORA's Packaging Guidelines to avoid defect upon delivery. Sellers may need to use a hard box or bubble wrap as ZALORA or courier partner won't bear any cost of defective should the parcel not be wrapped as mentioned.
What is the max amount of COD?
There is currently no COD limit
Can I use the airway bill provided by 3PL to send parcels to customers?
Unfortunately you are only allowed to have the Airway Bill printed from the Seller Center.
Any orders shipped out using non-zalora awb will not be acknowledged by Zalora. Therefore, the product may be cancelled although it has been shipped out. In cases like these, losses will be borne by Seller.
You can only employ own 3PL/non Zalora Airway Bill if you are on "Fulfilled by Seller" (FBS) set up
I have keyed in the wrong tracking number, what should I do? (For FBS sellers only)
Kindly contact Seller Helpdesk Form immediately so that they can help update the right tracking number into the system.
What if the customer address is incorrect/incomplete or is a POP station address?
Please use the "Seller Helpdesk Form" form in the Seller Center. Choose Operations > Customer Address Verification
Can I process orders that are to be delivered to shopping centres or hotels?
Yes you may proceed with the order as long as the address is complete
How can I check whether an order is a cash-on-delivery order or prepaid order?
The information can be found on the Seller Center when you view full customer details on the Order Overview page. Just click on order and expand it to look for other details. Alternatively you can check it in the invoice that is to be printed out for each order.
Are there any restrictions to delivery addresses? Can it be a foreign address?
Any addresses that are not serviceable by our 3PLs are already deactivated and customers won't be able to proceed with placing the order.
Why is a customer paying lower than the listed price onsite?
This may occur if Zalora provides any discount or rebates (cash back) in any campaigns or if a customer utilises the wallet credit.
What are wallet credits?
Wallet credit is a form of a payment method. It will not affect your sales payout as you will still receive the full amount as per your listing.
I have forgotten to print my invoice and return label but I have shipped out the item, what do I do?
Shipping labels generated from the Seller Center are crucial and to be included in every order packaging. These are the following:
(1) Airway bills insert into the transparent outer pocket
(2) Delivery receipt placed inside the pouch together with the items
If we receive complaints from customers, this will affect the Seller's KPI.
I will be on vacation and will not be able to process any orders, what do I do?
Go to Settings > Your Profile > Scroll all the way down > Switch on the Holiday Mode by indicating the Start and End date
Sellers will still be able to login to process your outstanding orders. Ready to ship packages should be cleared before going on a Holiday Mode. This is to ensure that order fulfillment won't be affected
When do I change the status of my orders to Ready to Ship?
Only process your order and change your order status to ‘Ready to Ship’ once your item is packed and ready for collection from pickup. Please note that "Ready to Ship" will automatically triggers pick up schedule the next business day
Should I process an order that has a status “No Payment”?
Yes. NO PAYMENT> simply means that the customer used store credits or ZALORA vouchers to purchase your item. You will still get your revenue for that order.
What do I do when my item doesn’t fit into the pouch?
Zalora provides different varieties of packaging supplies that you may purchase. This includes boxes from Small to Extra Large. In case it doesn't fit, you may use your own packaging as long as you adhere to the packaging guidelines. Please make sure that the airway bills, including the barcodes can be seen and scanned by the courier.
Note that improper packaging may result in pickup rejection.
I have a multi-item order where one product is unavailable/damaged. What should I do?
If order is in pending status:
Partial cancellation is done by clicking the plus sign (+) on the left side of the order number where an expanded version of order list will be shown and will give you access to only cancel the out of stuck item/s. Once done with cancellation, you may proceed in clicking the “Ready to ship” button in the order level so that all available items will be processed at the same time
If order is in ‘ready to ship’ status:
Please note that once status has been changed to Ready for Pickup, the seller doesn’t have the ability to cancel the order in Seller Center. Any cancellation request may trigger a Failed pick up penalty (amount may vary depends on the brand's Commercial Terms)
The customer’s address looks incomplete, should I cancel the order?
No. Use the Seller Helpdesk Form and choose Operations > Customer Address Verification and provide and provide the order number. We will verify the address with the customer within 1 working day.
Under what circumstance will my order be cancelled by the Seller Center system?
There are two circumstances that your order will be cancelled by our system automatically:
(1) The order has been under the Pending status for more than the agreed seller handling time (based on Commercial Terms) and has been cancelled due to delay in processing.
(2) When there are more than 3 failed pickups by your appointed logistics provider.
Seller Related Cancellations will affect your performance and may also incur penalties
I received an order that seems to be duplicated, what should I do?
Raise it to the Seller Helpdesk Form, choose Operations > Others then provide the order numbers. We will advise you on which order number to proceed with.
I notice the tracking number on the Seller Center is different from my sender copy.
Please hold the order and notify us by providing the tracking number via Seller Helpdesk Form at "Operations: Order Verification"
I can't push the order to "Ready-to-Ship" due to system error.
Please hold the order. Please send your enquiry to Seller Helpdesk Format "Operations: Order Processing - Status". Kindly attach a screenshot of the error message you received (if any) for faster escalation process