The parcel I shipped out was returned back to me by courier in original packaging.
If parcel is returned back to you in original packing, it's a failed delivery parcel
Zalora will update the status accordingly.
The box of the item that I received for failed delivery is damaged.
Item should be wrapped properly to avoid defect upon delivery. Seller may need to use a hard box or bubble wrap as ZALORA or courier partner won't bear any cost of defective should the parcel not be wrapped as mentioned.
Sellers should expect some defect on the packaging if the parcel is shipped out using softboxes as it will go through a long journey of delivery.
I received the returned item directly from the customer.
Kindly inform our Seller Help Desk
I received an email notification on the return order. How can I check the reason for returning?
You can check the reason via seller center. Just click on order > order number > and look at the reasons for cancellation.
What is Zalora non-returnable item policy?
Zalora's Non-Returnable Policy
How do I get back the return item from ZALORA?
For local sellers, you will receive the return parcel after warehouse team has processed it. This will take up to 10 business days from the day it has been handed over to the Logistics provider for Return to Seller.
For International sellers, you will be notified of the packages to be returned and expect to arrive within 2-3 business days from the notification date.
If you have not received your item within 10 business days, please submit your enquiry via Seller Helpdesk at "Operations: Order Processing - Return"
What happens when the parcel is rejected at the customer's doorstep?
The customer has the right to reject at any point of time prior to delivery. If a parcel is rejected at the point of delivery, the order will be considered as a failed delivery order. The item will be returned back to the seller. ZALORA will then update the status accordingly.
Can I collect my returns directly from ZALORA warehouse?
No. Seller will receive the return parcel after the warehouse team has processed it. This will take up to a maximum of 10 business days.
If you have not received your item within 10 business days, please submit your enquiry via Seller Helpdesk at "Operations: Order Processing - Return"
I received a notification that a return order came in but it has been more than 30 days since the order date?
Please reach out to Seller Helpdesk
What does a failed delivery mean?
This means that the order was not delivered to the customer despite 3 delivery attempts. The order will be shipped back to you without any penalty.
What happens when a customer returns your item?
The returned item will be checked by our Quality Control team. If it passes, the item will be shipped back to you.
Do I get penalized for returned items?
Unless you have packed a wrong/defective item, you will not get penalized for customer-facing reasons.
I received a return item that is damaged, what do I do?
Raise it to the Contact Form. Choose Operations > Order Processing – Returns and provide the order number, a brief description and image of the damaged item.
What are the non-returnable items?
Beauty products, lingerie, underwear, earrings and swimwear are non-returnable. You may check Zalora's Non-Returnable Policy for your reference