How do I update the stock level individually?
Go to Products > Manage Products. Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the stock amount under the "Available" column.
How do I update the list price individually?
Go to Products > Manage Products. Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the stock amount under the "Price" column.
How do I update the sales price individually?
Go to Products > Manage Products. Click on the pencil icon on the right side of the stock amount under the "Sale Price" column.
How do I do a mass upload of price and stock level?
You can download a mass upload template through Products > Import Products > look for the appropriate update template on the "Product Updates" area of the page. Once the template has been filled out, select "Update products" on the "Upload your File" section of the screen.
What is the difference between Price and Sales Price?
Price is the regular price of an item while the Sale Price is an item's red price. Customers could apply voucher codes to items that are already on sale (if it's voucher applicable).
How do I disable a product from being listed?
You can toggle on or off each product under Products > Manage Products > look for the "Active" column.
How can I change the category of my products?
Once your products have been listed on the website you are no longer able to change the Primary Category of your product unless it is deleted first and then recreated to reflect the new Primary Category. But while your products have not yet gone "live" on the website you're still able to change the Primary Category without deleting the item.
How do I make changes for prices and stocks bulk?
You can download a mass upload template through Products > Import Products > look for the appropriate update template on the "Product Updates" area of the page. Once the template has been filled out, select "Update products" on the "Upload your File" section of the screen.
How long will it take for price and stock changes to take into effect?
Stock adjustments would take effect after a minute if not instantly. Price adjustments would be checked by the Account Manager to ensure that the prices are correct and the adjustment is valid.